Powershell loops (for, foreach, and foreach-object) when you there is a need to execute the sequence code for several times to complete a task.
Powershell For loop syntax and examples:
for (<Init>; <Condition>; <Repeat>)
{ <your statement list>}
# Example1 for($i = 0; $i -le 10; $i++) { "$i" } # Example2 for (($i = 0), ($r = 0); $i -lt 10 -and $r -lt 10; $i++,$r++) { "`$i:$i" "`$r:$r" }
Powershell Foreach loop syntax and examples:
The foreach loop is used for executing code against a series of array objects stored in a variable and during each cycle, the ForEach operator executes a {Statement Block} on each individual item.
ForEach (oneitem In collection) {ScriptBlock}
Oneitem: it’s one of the element or object of collection variable.
Collection: a series of array objects.
ScriptBlock: A block of the script runs against each object.
# example1 $serverlist = @ ("server1" ," server2", "server3") Foreach ($server in $serverlist) { Write-host "Servername is" $server Invoke-command -computername $server -scriptblock {Get-service -name raj} } # example2 foreach ($num in 1,2,3,4,5) { Write-host " my number is" $num }
Powershell Foreach-object loop syntax and examples:
This foreach-object uses pipeline to executes the task, it takes input objects from the pipeline and runs against each item in the collection.
ForEach-Object [-process] ScriptBlock[] [-inputObject psobject]
#Example1: $names = @("raj","shekar","prava","aryan") $names | ForEach-Object { "Hello, my name is $_!" } #Example2: get-childitem -path "C:\windows" | foreach-object -process { $_.length / 1024 }
Powershell While loop syntax and examples:
This while loop runs a command block based on the result of a conditional test given.
while (condition) {command_block}
# count to 20 $count = 0 While ($count -ne 20) { $count ++ Write-host $count }
Powershell DO loop syntax and examples:
Do-loops is used when you want to run a codeblock at least once. A Do-loop evaluates the condition
after executing the code block, unlike a while-loop which does it before executing the code block.
while (condition)
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Loop until the condition is true, in other words, loop while the condition is false:
# Examples:
$i = 0 Do { $i++ "item is $i" } while ($i -ne 3) $i= 0 Do { $i++ "item is $i" } until ($i -eq 3)
Powershell Switch loop statement.
This switch statement provides a variable and a list of possible values, when the values match the given variable inside statement then its script block will be executed.
switch ( $today ) { 0 { $myday = 'Sunday' } 1 { $myday = 'Monday' } 2 { $myday = 'Tuesday' } 3 { $myday = 'Wednesday' } 4 { $myday = 'Thursday' } 5 { $myday = 'Friday' } 6 { $myday = 'Saturday' } } $today= Read-Host "Choose the number" Write-Host "Your day is" $myday
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