PowerShell Operators Basically PowerShell comparison operators are declared using the symbol dash (-) followed by a name (eq for equal, gt for greater than, -lt as less than and more.
Comparison operators:
- 4 -eq 4 # Equal to (=)
- 3 -ne 5 # Not equal to (!=)
- 6 -gt 5 # Greater-than (>)
- 15 -ge 15 # Greater-than or equal to (>=)
- 3 -lt 10 # Less-than (<)
- 3 -le 3 # Less-than or equal to (<=)
String comparison operators:
“rajashekar” -like “*shekar” # This comparison operator used for match using the wildcard character (*)
“rajashekar” -notlike “prava*” # This comparison operator used to check the string does not match using the wildcard (*).
“mylove” -match ‘mylove $’ # This comparison operator used to for matching a string using regular expressions.
“hello” -notmatch ‘hi’ # This comparison operator used to check as not match a string using regular expressions.
PowerShell Collection comparison operators:
“raja -contains “raj” # This comparison operator used for Returning a true when the value (right) is present
“pravaf” -notcontains “123” # This comparison operator used for returning a true when the value (right) is not present
“raja” -in “raja”, “raj” # This comparison operator returns true when the value (left) is present
“143143” -notin “234”, “345” # This comparison operator returns true when the value (left) is not present.
PowerShell Arithmetic Operators
- + This operator used for an addition.
- – This operator used for Subtraction.
- # This operator used for value.
- * This operator used for multiplication.
- / This operator used for division.
- % This operator used for modulus.
PowerShell Logical Operators
- -and This operator used logical and.
- . -or This operator used for logical or.
- -xor This operator used for logical exclusive or. 4
- -not This operator used for logical not.
- ! This operator used for logical not.
PowerShell Assignment Operators
- = This assignment operator Sets the value of a variable to the specified value
- += This assignment operator Increases the value of a variable by the specified value
- -= This assignment operator Decreases the value of a variable by the specified value.
- /= This assignment operator Divides the value of a variable by the specified value.
- %= This assignment operator Divides the value of a variable by the specified value and then.
1) PowerShell if statement:
If a conditional logic operator used for running the code block if a specified conditional test is true.
Syntax of if–>
if ( condition ) { commands_to_execute }
[ elseif ( condition2 ) { commands_to_execute } ]
[ else {commands_to_execute} ]
If ($scripter -eq "I know powershell") { Write-host " one can write powershell scripts" } # Two use more than one if statement:
Exalmple 2
# Two use more than one if statement: If ($scripter -eq "I know powershell") { Write-host " one can write powershell scripts" } Elseif ($scripter -eq " I don't know powershell") { Write-host "You need to learn powershell" }
# Negation if statement $test = "raja" If($test -ne "prava") { Write-host "I found raja" }
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